My very first bottle of my own beer!

This evening I cracked open my first bottle from my first batch (Mangrove Jacks Munich Lager). All I can say is WOW, I’m impressed. This hobby is going to be with me for a long time. I’ve had some previews of what it might taste like – all those SG samples, and my mate Andy’s batch of the same beer. And it was nothing like any of them. The gravity samples were interesting and I actually enjoyed them but they were heavy from all that yeast (not to mention flat and warm). I found Andy’s batch kinda like a good malty lager – I compared it to a Macs Gold. But my was nothing like a Macs Gold, it was much more crisp and bitter, more along the lines of a Steinlager Classic only much more dry and bitter. I think if there was any complaint it would be that it is overly bitter, but I like bitter and I think that will mellow a bit with age. Interestingly my wife commented that she liked it but it seemed a bit one-dimensional to her and I think I know what she means – I reckon it’s because it’s so crisp, dry and bitter. (In all honesty I think the fact that I brewed it myself adds a bit to my enjoyment of it.) But it is also much more of a lager type beer than I thought it would be, having brewed it with the kit standard ale yeast and considering that it’s looking a bit darker/redder than typical lager. I had been expecting to taste something in between a lager and an ale but this had absolutely zero fruitiness, zero sweetness, just extremely crisp and dry. I can see why Andy’s batch disappeared so fast, I think I’m going to crack open another bottle!

WOW! It's actually BEER!


    • Andy on 8 January 2011 at 4:13 am
    • Reply

    Congrats on enjoying your first home brew – from the look on your face it tastes really good! It’s interesting that a few tweaks to the same kit can produce vastly different beers. Now I’m really keen to compare them!

    What do you reckon about the alcohol content? In my experience the estimated alcohol content based on the difference between the original and final gravity is always a bit lower than what I reckon it actually is.

    I’ve just made up another batch. I ended up going with a Cooper’s Real Ale.

      • on 9 January 2011 at 8:32 am
      • Reply

      I dunno about vastly different, we’ll have to compare them side by side. I opened another bottle yesterday and it tasted different, but I figured out why – it was slightly less carbonated and slightly warmer – there was a hint of sweetness that I didn’t get in the first bottles. We had a bbq here this evening and went through quite a bit of it. Considering how much I drank and I’m feeling totally fine now I reckon it’s definitely no more than 4%.

        • Andy on 11 January 2011 at 3:19 am
        • Reply

        My Mangrove Jack’s has been bottled for over 5 weeks now, so I’m hoping that we can still remember how it tasted.

        Yeah you’re probably right about the alcohol content, maybe I just get giddy with excitement at the realisation that I’m drinking my own beer. :-P

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